Youngstown, OH (August 5, 2022): The Youngstown Playhouse has announced auditions for the youth production of Excalibur High. Open auditions will be held on September 7th and 8th from 6-8 pm in the Adler Arts Academy at the DeYor Performing Arts Center.
This medieval fantasy will take the audience through a 15th-century adventure. After the loss of the headmaster of the Academy, three young scholars must put aside their own destinies and summon their collective strength to prevent the dark power that threatens Logres. Can they summon the Sword of Power and cleanse this evil from the shores of Avalon?
Seeking actors 10 to 18 years old. Actors should come prepared to read from the script. All speaking parts will be provided.
The creative team is led under the direction of Jim Canacci. Rehearsals will begin Monday, September 19 with a script read-through and will run Monday to Thursday evenings. Technical rehearsals will occur the week of October 24, and performances will take place on October 28th, 29th and 30th.
The Youngstown Playhouse is committed to an inclusive casting process and encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and abilities to submit. Auditions will take place in the Adler Art Academy at the DeYor Performing Arts Center, 260 W. Federal Street, Youngstown, Ohio. Rehearsals will take place at 600 Playhouse Lane, Youngstown, OH. If you would like further information, please contact Emelia Sherin at 330-747-5175 or by email esherin@stambaughauditorium.com.