YOUNGSTOWN, OH (September 7, 2017) – The Youngstown Playhouse Youth Theatre will hold a Fall session of classes for six Saturdays, September 30-November 4. The Playhouse is located at 600 Playhouse Lane in Youngstown.

Children in grades 1-3 may enroll in “Imagination Station!,” a creative drama class, led by instructor Joanna Andrei. The class will include theatre games, stage skills, and creative movement, while working to develop the imagination, self-confidence and self-expression. Class time is 10-11 a.m.

Instructor Patricia Fagan will conduct “It Was a Dark and Stormy Night!,” for students in grades 4 -6. The class teaches the basics of acting, through the use of classic theatre games and improvisational exercises. Students will then use those skills in the creation, rehearsal and performance of their own mystery story. Class time is 10-11 a.m. The course stresses self-esteem, critical thinking and working together.

“So, You Want to Be an Actor!” is designed for students in grades 7-12, and will be taught by instructor Jeanine Rees. The class will include stage skills, auditioning techniques, beginning improvisation and scene work. Class time is 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. The course is aimed at both the beginning actor and those with some experience.

Classes will have a work sharing performance on the last day for families and friends.

The cost is $75 per student, with discounts available for siblings. Some scholarship assistance is available for qualifying students. Enrollment is limited.

For registration and further information, call the Playhouse at (330) 788-8739.